A theatrical play following the journey of a young prophet of Hitler’s new testament of love and kindness.

Hitler’s old testament, he claims, was indeed brutal, horrific, murderous, Fascistic, etc., but now he has a new mission of love and kindness that he wants to share with the entire world.

The young prophet, who claims to be Hitler’s son (confusing the eyewitnesses who saw him being born to a contemporary woman and drawing the ire of said woman’s husband [yes, they are both Austrian/German]), dresses like his ‘father’ – mustache, haircut, breeches and all – and performs unimaginable acts of kindness to everyone he encounters. As he matures into adulthood, he embarks on a mission to fill the entire world with Hitler’s new testament of love, kindness, forgiveness, etc.

Those who know the history of Christianity will be able to predict much of the play, although they will be surprised by many Po-etic twists and turns.