Even Cactii must be masochists,
Before cuddling up with one another.
If you practice what you preach,
You’ll never preach the impossible.
Revenge is all-important.
It’s the only way to clean bad energy.
Barbers will always hate,
Seihks and Rastafarians.
Supermodels’ farts,
Smell as bad as billionaires’,
And AIDS-Babies’,
And Iraqi widows’
That just blew themselves up.
No one thing,
Can ever please everyone.
Gay men will never ‘get’ cunnilingus,
And lesbians will never ‘get’ blowjobs.
No cock can please every hole!
The big, thick slut-pleaser,
Can’t pleasantly penetrate the virgin…
And the perfect thin hymen-piercer,
Remains unfelt by the well-stretched nympho…
The uncircumcised disgust the clean-freaks,
And the circumcised let down the smegma lovers…
And some like the large titties,
And some the small pedo-type…
Some like the bullet nipples,
And some the overwhelming type…
Some like the waif,
While others like it like Rubens…
Some like the bush,
While others need the shave…
And forget about positions,
Hair color,
And duration –
Those all go without say!
And so it is in all areas of life…
The ‘Masturbationist’ embraces diversity,
Of opinion and preference…
Whatever gets you off…
Or on…
Yet rejection of one’s work,
Or self,
Remains hard to swallow…
But why is that?!
Your work may be the ‘perfect’ cock,
But perfect for whom?
The virgin?
The well-stretched connoisseur?
The smegma-lover?
The dyke?
(Of course I love dykes,
Although I have little to offer them…)
As senseless as it is,
Rejection remains a most harsh sting…
What a fucked up world we inhabit!
Fuck its maker(s)!
They can’t design for shit!
Is an impossibility.
Consists of,
Choosing tastefully*,
And maintaining secrecy.
* i.e., choosing those who seem safe so as to not bring home the STD’s, as well as choosing someone at least as attractive as your Love so as to avoid humiliation upon discovery…
Why is there so much more blood,
Than semen,
In cartoons,
And the like?
It’s the Bible, stupid!
Once a girl eats your ass,
There’s little more she can offer.